Tuesday 21 June 2011


So realising the kind of world we live in can be a shock to the system. But the power of the mind can be a very wonderful thing, for again we start making links between pieces of information which have been sitting dormant waiting for these new ideas to enter our minds. Chaos at first with many numbers, facts, images, sounds, flooding our brains, like a domino reaction bricks fall into place, but also flow, so that we are able to make sense, some of the time, of what it is we’re thinking about. Suddenly the mind goes back to Muecke’s (2008) momentum, movement, the kick-off of ideas which began the ball rolling. So why is it that we obsess with things such as difference and otherness, yet we still don’t fully notice and see the wool held over our eyes? It’s like when you really see what’s going on, you don’t want to, because we ourselves are so different to the natural function of things.

Again it’s like the idea of progress, where we’re not sure if we’re working towards better or worse, yet we keep going, pushing ourselves around in the same circle. Yet connected we all are to each other, why then do we not simply stop? It’s hard to imagine a world where people really are truly connected, not just ‘globalisation’ where people can speak across hundreds of miles in a second, or when the time it takes to get from one place to another is irrelevant, what about a global consciousness. When not only do the people who have the means and privilege to be educated in universities gain knowledge about the world around them, but so does each and every individual? And not solely education, but all areas of knowledge, and move back to simplicity, where work is not defined by your time, or the amount of money you earn, but by the joy of doing something you love. Muecke (2008) looked at change in thinking as a reaction to something else, perhaps this is what needs to happen to make larger change occur, a realisation which shifts people’s ideas so that we gain a clearer understanding, not shrouded by the wants and desires of an old regime.

Who knows, we could get there one day.

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